Monday, November 25, 2013

Today is our 49th wedding anniversary - how about that?!  This is the third anniversary we have celebrated in a mission field (45th in Ecuador 2009, 47th in Ohio 2011, and 49th here).  If President Jensen needs us to extend our mission for 6 months, we will actually celebrate our 50th here in Bolivia next year - but we won't know for sure about that until next summer.

Anyway, 'nuf of that.  Here are some pictures . . .

We don't get to see many sunsets here; there are too many trees and buildings.  Hence I snapped this one as soon as we walked out of the hospedaje (the building on the left) and saw it.

The babies here are adorable (and ALL are beautiful).  Here are three we saw recently - the first one on the bus riding down to the supermarket, the other two at church.

On Friday we were walking up to the temple for the afternoon shift and this family from Chile (who were getting ready to catch the bus home) asked to take a picture with us.  I asked the girl who was taking the pictures to take one with my camera.  I was hoping for more of a closeup so you could really see the CUTE little girl in the orange outfit.  Maybe if you double-click on it you can get a better view.

One of our lovely November brides.

 This was taken at our "extra" choir practice on Thursday night (which is why everyone is in jeans.)  We were missing about five people who had to work.  The girl in the back on the left is our pianist.  Notice the choir folders they are holding; we had those made
at a local stationery store.  You can't buy such things here. One of the men in the back row had a sleeping baby on his lap, that's why we had to take the picture with everyone sitting down.  :-)
I am proud of this little choir.  They have worked hard to prepare two hymns for the Ward Conference on Sunday the 24th of November.

We have a very talented lady in the ward who makes these 
beautiful artificial flower arrangements
 (this is the third different one since we've been here) for our chapel.  
This one usually goes in the center, right in front of the podium.  
Here it's backed up against the piano; you can see why, below.

Then she makes one to go at each end of the center railing, so they are smaller and "left and right facing", if that makes sense (see below).

 However, for Ward Conference (which happens once a year) they go all out down here.  This is the fresh flower arrangement we found when we got to the chapel yesterday.  Just look at all those roses!  Luckily they are super-cheap here - and what a gorgeous arrangement.

This is the view from the front pew yesterday.

Another thing they did - besides having special printed programs for the Conference - 
was to have these key chains made, and every adult received one as he/she arrived for Conference.
The theme of the Conference was The Work of Salvation (La Obra de Salvacion).
In the States we don't do this sort of thing for Ward Conference, 
but it's a lovely idea, isn't it?

Okay, that's it for today.  We wish you a beautiful Thanksgiving this Thursday and a wonderful week in general.  Hasta luego, y vayan con Dios!

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